Tuesday, April 28, 2009



It’s real sudden that you have passed away. Within an hour before we got to know you were unconscious and you left. You left without letting your love ones to say goodbye, kiss you for the last time. That’s heart aching but I’m sure god has his own good reason for that, to let everybody remember you as the healthy and happy you.

My regret was I don’t have the chance to know you better. Under certain circumstances, you and I got very slim chance to know each other better. I heard lot bout you, you are someone so great and yet full of patience. Your commitment towards the family, your yummylicious cooking that everyone praised of and lot of lots of it. You raised your loves one well and faith let me met this wonderful person who cherish my day and my life. I can’t promise you that I can take as good care as you to him but I will try my very best.

If there is a next life, give me a chance to let me know you better.

May your soul rest in peace.

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